Author Guidelines

The editor of Jurnal Angkasa welcomes article submissions with the following writing guidelines:

  1. Article has not been published in any other Media and does not contain any elements of plagiarism.
  2. Types of article are suitable for publication include the following; research reports (laboratory, field, archives), conceptual ideas, studies, theory applications, issues reports, and book review.
  3. Article is written in Bahasa Indonesia or English (preferable) using academic language along with standard academic writing structure and composition. Article is typed 1 spaced in a quarto paper size (A4), between 7-12 pages in length including references, pictures, and tables.
  4. Title, abstract, and keywords should be written in both Bahasa Indonesia and English
  5. Article should be submitted via online submission on Jurnal Angkasa (
  6. Article is written using Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx, but not in PDF).

Article should be in form of essay with the following structure:

  1. Title (max 20 words): comprehensive, clear, precise and does not contain sub titles.
  2. Title is written in capital letter with the font size of 14, formatted in bold and 1 space.
  3. Author’s name (without academic degree) with an e-mail address, institution’s name and its address.
  4. Articles’ completion date should be written under author’s address to show it’s contemporary.
  5. Abstract is written in Bahasa Indonesia and English, formulated in one paragraph contained 150 words which represents aim, method and result of the paper.
  6. Key words in English and Bahasa Indonesia (3 words).
  7. Template of the Jurnal Angkasa at here(click)